• Serving Broomfield since 1993
  • Over $4.1M in assets under management
  • Over $5M distributed to the community since inception
  • Awarded 60 scholarships totaling over $400,000
  • Over 25 charitable funds impacting our community
  • Supporting over 100 area nonprofits
  • Helped over 1000 donors and businesses amplify philanthropic impact in Broomfield

Additional Foundation Facts

The Broomfield Community Foundation was established in 1993 as a 501 (c) (3) corporation. The Foundation’s purpose is to accept contributions and provide support through grants in the areas of civic projects, human service, arts & humanities, seniors and education which benefit Broomfield citizens; to manage an endowment whose income provides support for the grant making process; and to educate the public and encourage community leadership in the areas of philanthropy and community service.

Broomfield Community Foundation Gift Acceptance Policy Statement

The Broomfield Community Foundation is the community’s leading partner, resource and voice for philanthropy, amplifying the power of many to create greater impact for all.

Our financial support comes from local individuals, businesses, grants and special events such as the Heart of Broomfield. We in turn invest in charitable organizations which address the needs of the community in the areas of arts, youth, education, seniors, and human services.

As the hub for philanthropic activity in Broomfield County, we strive to maintain an unbiased, apolitical and non-discriminating posture regarding our fundraising and granting activities to provide the greatest benefit to those charitable organizations making a difference in our community.

Recognizing that Broomfield is comprised of a diverse cross-section of residents and organizations with wide-ranging passions, attitudes and sentiments on many topics, often creating differences in opinion, the Foundation maintains the position that denying someone the opportunity to contribute to the Broomfield Community Foundation is denying them with the opportunity to freely share their gifts with others and participate in the Foundation’s stated mission.

Those who donate to the Foundation financially, whether personally or professionally, do so without any expectation of personal benefit. They do so in the spirit of philanthropy.

The acceptance of a donation to the Broomfield Community Foundation is not an endorsement of an individual, a candidate, a church, school, service club or a business. All donors and sponsors of the Foundation will be equally recognized with those contributing at the same level. Further, those who contribute to the Foundation may identify the Foundation as a beneficiary, but may not imply any type of implicit or actual endorsement.

The Board of Directors maintains the final authority for the acceptance or rejection of funding based upon prevailing community standards or exigent circumstances.


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